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The #1 voter of the week earns a $20 bond
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The #3 voter of the week earns a $5 bond

You can claim your rewards by typing ::claimtopvoter

22/04/2024 - 29/04/2024
Hayden hp
27 Votes
Stinky hat
20 Votes
18 Votes
18 Votes
No pants
17 Votes


Posted February 22, 2024
Posted by: Patrick

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I. Bug fixes
II. QoL and suggestions
III. Warped elemental
IV. Bloodthorn empress
V. Warped demon
VI. Imbuement trinket


I. Bug fixes

– Fixed chinchompas not working, and replaced the ID in the ironman shop.
– Fixed collection ironman not being able to trade each other.
– Fixed the lectern in the dragonstone member zone.
– Fixed the slayer obelisk despawning NPCS at random.
– Fixed sherlock going into negative values.
– Potentially fixed timed objects disappearing, objects such as stalls and brimhaven vines.
– You can now use the elder chaos robe kits.
– Fixed member elixir only giving five minutes of time.
– Changed crafter I text description.
– Fixed ::antibot command for staff members.
– You can no longer deploy a cannon in the member cave.
– You can no longer wear the ruby and onyx capes if you do not have the rank.
– Fixed Drake’s in the member cave.
– Raised HP of the member cave monsters
– Fixed mini basilisk attack speed
– Fixed safe spot whilst fighting the mini basilisk
– Fixed hunter barrier in the ruby zone
– Fixed Larran’s key chest
– Fixed error, making range impossible
– Fixed ::help broadcasting to non staff members
– Added QoL messages when failing Hydra axe achievements
– Fixed always drops typo, causing insane money drops
– Fixed the member elixir not triggering
– Fixed all members being able to kill Porazdirs
– Fixed the ::porazdir teleport
– Fixed Dragonstone porazdir not resetting back to Sapphire
– Fixed event bosses in member instance, can go minus kill count and broadcast server wide.
– Fixed energy barriers in the dragonstone zone, they collided with the barriers in CoS raid.
– Fixed member shooting star, logic colliding with the regular shooting star.
– Fixed automic spirits in dzone, you can now also get blood spirits in the dzone.
– Fixed rapacious gloves not having the extra damage against monsters.
– Fixed galana pet drop rate boost, it gave to much boost.
– Fixed member’s halo not triggering the drop rate effect.
– Fixed weak spot slayer perk not triggering on dummy and trial tasks.


II. QoL and suggestions

– Added lectern skip scroll.
– Ring of wealth now loots platinum tokens.
– Elidinis ring now also auto loots currency, if this feature is toggled on.
– Goldsmith II achievement now requires mithril platebodies.
– Added the Porazdir to the quest tab.
– Added two new wilderness events, Warped demon and the Bloodthorn empress bosses.
– The GWD bosses and minions are no longer agro.
– Removed elder wand from blood magicks effects.
– You can now right click convert on coins and platinum tokens.
– Mini basilisk now gives 10 boss points and has it’s own kill counter.
– Added a new crossbow to the alchemy altar called the Hell’s crossbow.
– Added needle and thread to the General store.

III. Warped elemental

The warped elemental is a new boss and the most annoying boss we have to offer.

The boss uses a difficulty system built in, the skulls above the monster indicate it’s difficulty.
The boss uses 5 attacks;
– A ranged attack
– A magic attack
– A poison attack
– A disarm attack
– And a portal attack

The more health the boss loses the harder the difficulty becomes, every 500 HP lost the difficulty increases.
However at the same time the boss will keep teleporting to a different room for every 500HP he loses.
Don’t you worry the difficulty and teleports can only happen once, so if the boss heals back up he will not proceed with these mechanics.

You can teleport to the warped elemental by typing ::warpedele.

IV. Bloodthorn empress

Bloodthorn empress emerges from the depths of the wilderness every 2 hours, signaling her arrival with a surge of dark energy that echoes across the land.
Players must prepare themselves for the impending battle, as the Bloodthorn’s presence draws adventurers seeking both glory and riches.
You can teleport to the event by typing ::bloodthorn. The boss is located in a singles area.

Unique drops:

A new voidwaker but purely for PvM, making this the new BIS PvM spec weapon.

Blood spirit shield:
An offensive off-hand shield boasting defensive capabilities superior to an Elysian, yet also offering offensive bonuses.
Its special effect enhances the wielder’s offensive capabilities and also provides protection against damage.

V. Warped demon

The warped demon is a wilderness event that spawns every 90 minutes (1H, 30M).
This demon is hard to find, whenever the demon spawns he will give you a hint where he is in the Wilderness.

Unique drops:

Bloodweaver Bow:
The Bloodweaver bow is a rare ranged weapon. Its special attack mirrors that of the Dark bow, draining the defense of its target while delivering increased damage and accuracy, particularly effective in PvM encounters.

Demonbane arrows and bolts:
New BIS bolts and arrows for PvP encounters, these arrows and bolts have no special attack.

Demonbane mask:
Provides 75% damage increase when fighting against demons.

VI. Imbuement trinket

The Imbuement Trinket is a mystical artifact crafted through the fusion of three powerful imbuement pieces obtained from various challenges within the game.
With the ability to unlock valuable rewards and enhance existing items, this trinket offers players an opportunity to augment their gameplay experience.

Obtaining the Imbuement Trinket:

To create the Imbuement Trinket, players must gather three distinct imbuement pieces:

-Raid Imbuement Piece: Obtained as a rare reward from completing any raid activity (Chamber of Secrets, Chambers of Xeric, Goblet of Fire, or Theatre of Blood).

-Boss Imbuement Piece: Acquired as a rare drop from defeating any boss with over 1000 Hitpoints.

-Slayer Imbuement Piece: Obtained as a rare drop upon completing a Slayer task.

Once all three pieces are collected, players can fuse them together to make a Imbuement trinket. However this process will cost you 100K blood money.

The Imbuement Trinket operates similarly to a Mystery Box, providing players with the chance to obtain a range of lucrative rewards upon use.

These rewards include:

Cash rewards ranging from 2B-10B.
Imbuement crystal to make the new Elidinis ring (i)
New unique boxes
Bonds (5$/10$)

Posted February 10, 2024
Posted by: Patrick

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I. Bug fixes
II. QoL and suggestions
III. Member zone


I. Bug fixes

– The blood reaper slayer perks now only trigger when killing bosses.
– Made ancient godsword (e) only use 50% special attack.
– Fixed a item dupe when spam opening keys.
– Fixed COX collection log (Kodai insignia)
– Fixed a ground item visual bug.
– Elysians should no longer block vengeance damage.
– Fixed task trial points boost for ranking up.
– Fixed damage still counting for pkers when players leave the wilderness.
– Fixed 11 slayer monster teleports for non wilderness teleports.
– Fixed the item bonuses of the following items, they surpassed the OSRS bonuses.
– Fixed a bank pin serialization issue that caused errors and profile issues when opening the bank.
– Made all godwars bosses non aggro.


II. QoL and suggestions

– Added a antibot check for staff members.
– Reduced all superior boss timers from 3 minutes to one minute.
– Slayer unlocks are now toggleabl.
– You can now uncharge imbued rings for a 30M coin fee.
– Buffed trilogy boots item bonuses.
– You can now use a chisel on an empty tome of fire to get between 50 and 100 burnt pages.
– All shop amounts are now 100.000 this makes it, so you can buy up to 100.000 per purchase.
– Added a vial smash scroll in the slayer reward store for 500 slayer points.
– Updated daily task rewards and removed some old tasks and added some new tasks.
– Completing all daily tasks per category will now grant you a completion reward.
– Completing all easy tasks:

– 500k platinum tokens
– 2 5k blood money bags
– 1x key of drops

– Completing all med tasks:
– 1m platinum tokens
– 5 5k blood money bags
– 1x 35$ mystery box

– Completing all hard tasks:
– 2m platinum tokens
– 10 5k blood money bags
– 1x fortune ticket

– Completing all tasks
– 3m platinum tokens
– 1x mystery chest
– 1x exotic loot scroll

– All raids now scale hitpoints based on party size.
– The blood reaper perk now grants platinum tokens instead of coins.
– Blood money and blood tokens are no longer permitted in the trading post, you can now sell them.
– Boosted the salavian weaponry and armoury from 5% and 4% damage boost to 7% damage boost.
– The blowpipe attack distance has been changed from a maximum of 5 tiles to 7. Which means you can attack the vespula portal with a blowpipe.
– The slayer obelisk now spawns monsters in a spawn radius of 2 tiles instead of 8.
– The grand looting bag no longer triggers on npcs that are not your task.
– Animal lore beasts now have their own healing percentage. Starting at 3% for mole all the way up to 14% for Olm.
– Animal lore resources perk is now boosted based on your beast, the stronger the beast the more resources you get in return.
– The slayer obelisk now has a proper despawn timer, and the spawns are no longer player bound. Others can kill the bosses too.
– Sherlock now gives the option to complete one clue or all clues.
– Sherlock and other content that automatically takes currency from the inventory and bank now also take platinum tokens if you do not have enough coins.
– Added activity timers for all raid types, Vorkath, Alchemical hydra Zulrah and Fight caves.
– Trilogy boots and cape
– Pegasian, Eternal and Primordial boots (or)
– Added a new completionist cape called the completionist cape III, you need to have all achievements completed to wear it.
– This means that the completionist cape II has been moved down to 200 achievements completed.
– Added 100+ new achievements.
– The Elder wand now has the accuracy effect of the Tumekens shadow.
– The elder wand can now autocast spells.
– Added soulsplit and turmoil to the quick prayers.
– Bosses in member zones now count towards hotspot points.

III. Member zone

– Red topaz members can now use noted bones on altars.

– All member related monsters now drop member coins you can spent them in the shop at the beginner donator zone. Talk to Apprentice Felix to access this store.

– Added three QoL dzone teleport commands:
::sdz for sapphire
::rdz for Ruby
::ddz for dragonstone

– Added a lectern to all donator zones, you get free daily touches.
– Opal, Jade and Red topaz one per day.
– Sapphire, Emerald and ruby two per day.
– Diamond and Dragonstone three per day.
– Onyx four per day.
– Zenyte five per day.

– Added new member bosses, a specific Porazdir spawns every three hours. The Spawns rotate, each boss has it’s own rank requirement.

– Added a new members cave, the Lizardman and Hydra have a unique drop, the rest of the monsters will get a unique later.

– Added a shooting star too all member zones, you get free daily stardust by mining the star.
– Opal, Jade and Red Topaz members can mine 250 daily stardust.
– Sapphire, Emerald and Ruby members can mine 400 daily stardust.
– Diamond and Dragonstone members can mine 650 daily stardust.
– Onyx members can mine 800 daily stardust.
– Zenyte members can mine 1000 daily stardust.

– Cerberus, Zulrah and the Mini Basilisk in the member zones now drop loot for all players that did damage.


Posted January 7, 2024
Posted by: Patrick

I. Slayer
II. Trials
III. Superior zulrah & new transmutes
IV. Economy & votes
V. Patches & QoL


I. Slayer

We have added some new slayer armour and weapons, this is to target new and mid game players.
Even end game players are able to use these armours and weapons to switch up their gameplay.

– Requirement; have completed 50 slayer tasks.
– Salavian slayer helm (t1) +2% damage and +5% accuracy boost. (any combat style)
– Salavian slayer body (t1) +2% damage and +5% accuracy boost. (any combat style)
– Salavian slayer legs (t1) +2% damage and +5% accuracy boost. (any combat style)

– Requirement; have completed 250 slayer tasks.
– Salavian slayer helm (t2) +3% damage and +10% accuracy boost. (any combat style)
– Salavian slayer body (t2) +3% damage and +10% accuracy boost. (any combat style)
– Salavian slayer legs (t2) +3% damage and +10% accuracy boost. (any combat style)

– Requirement; have completed 500 slayer tasks.
– Salavian slayer helm (t3) +4% damage and +15% accuracy boost. (any combat syle)
– Salavian slayer body (t3) +4% damage and +15% accuracy boost. (any combat syle)
– Salavian slayer legs (t3) +4% damag and +15% accuracy boost. (any combat syle)

– Weapons for each combat category:
– Requirement for t1; have completed 50 slayer tasks. +3% and +5% accuracy boost.
– Requirement for t2; have completed 250 slayer tasks. +4% and +10% accuracy boost.
– Requirement for t3; have completed 500 slayer tasks. +5% and +15% accuracy boost.
– Salavian slayer bow
– Salavian slayer halberd
– Salavian slayer staff

II. Trials

We have noticed people already hit the end rank for quite awhile now so we added a bunch of new ranks including trials only jewellery.
Amulet of will +2.5% melee damage in PvM and grants +10% more coin and blood money drops. (1000 points and need the Lieutenant rank to wear)
Archwarder amulet +2.5% range damage in PvM and grants +10% more coin and blood money drops. (1000 points and need the Lieutenant rank to wear)
Ariel amulet +2.5% mage damage in PvM and grants +10% more coin and blood money drops. (1000 points and need the Lieutenant rank to wear)
Cursed amulet All amulet effects combined -> (Alchemy and need the General+ rank to wear)

Added 5 new ranks:
– Lieutenant (250 tasks completed)
– 300m coins
– special pets box
– 35$ mystery box x2
– key of drops
– General (500 tasks completed)
– 500m coins
– special pets box
– fortune ticket
– General+ (750 tasks completed)
– 1B coins
– fortune ticket x2
– mystery chest
– Bounty hunter (1000 tasks completed)
– 1.25B coins
– mystery chest x2
– 10$ bond
– Unreal (1500 tasks completed)
– 1.5B coins
– mystery chest x2
– 20$ bond

Added new rank perks:
– Murderer
– +1 points
– Slaughterer
– +2 points
– 25% chance to receive a 5$ mystery box after completing a task
– Abominable
– +4 points
– 20% chance to receive a 15$ mystery box after completing a task
– Psycho
– +6 points
– 15% chance to receive a 35$ mystery box after completing a task
– Blood born
– +8 points
– 20% chance to receive a 35$ mystery box after completing a task
– Satanic
– +10 points
– 25% chance to receive a 35$ mystery box after completing a task
– 20% chance to receive a ingredients sack.
– Lieutenant
– +12 points
– 35% chance to receive a 35$ mystery box after completing a task
– 25% chance to receive a ingredients sack.
– General
– +14 points
– 15% chance to receive a fortune ticket after completing a task
– 30% chance to receive a ingredients sack.
– General+
– +16 points
– 20% chance to receive a fortune ticket after completing a task
– 35% chance to receive a ingredients sack.
– Bounty hunter
– +18 points
– 25% chance to receive a fortune ticket after completing a task
– 40% chance to receive a ingredients sack.
– Unreal
– +20 points
– 10% chance to receive a mystery chest after completing a task
– 50% chance to receive a ingredients sack.


III. Superior zulrah & new transmutes

We have added a new superior boss for early and mid game players.
The twisted serpent spawns every 50 Zulrah kills, and has three unique drops.
All three weapons increase the respective max hit for that combat style by +20 and grants a 25% accuracy boost.
– Twisted blowpipe
– Twisted helmet
– Twisted trident

We’ve also added 6 new transmutable items, these items all target early and mid game players.
– Dark armadyl
– Dark bandos
– Blood rapier 1 tick faster then ghrazi rapier with a bleed effect.
– Elemental faceguard
– Torva (i)
– Virtus (i)

Economy & votes

We noticed that there are too many votes in-game, and people vote less.
Therefor we added new sigils to the vote shop, you can claim them only once.
– Accuracy boost sigil tier 1 to 3.
– Damage boost sigil tier 1 to 3.
– Double drop boost sigil tier 1 to 3.

We also noticed there are too many items in-game due to events, so we added the wandering merchant earlier as expected.
– Grand looting bag – Auto banks drops, +5% drop rate bonus, chance to receive 5$ mystery boxes and a very rare chance to receive mystery chest only in the wilderness PvP or Pvm kills.
– Drop roll scroll – Grants one extra drop roll when killing monsters
– Mystery luck scroll – 10% extra luck of rolling a better drop table opening mystery boxes and chests.
– Raid luck scroll – 10% added chance to purple
– Gauntlet mold – Used to put all 3 bis gloves together sage bracelet enchanted gloves and enchanted vambs into elidinis gauntlets

V. Patches & QoL

Ingredients box (Any ingredient (5/10)
– Slayer shop for 500 points
– Trial shop for 200 points
– Every 10 trial tasks
– Every 25 slayer tasks

Bug fixes:
– Amulet of blood fury and soulsplit healing have been changed:
– The damage intervals change the percentage of how much you are being healed.
– Both healing effects are capped at 30 HP.
– Fixed Exanimate crossbow protection value.
– You can no longer get a target in Ferox enclave.
– You can now use a cut onyx on a zenyte shard to form a uncut zenyte.
– Added a extra safety check to presets, when your bank is full and you have a pet out the pet won’t load from your preset.
– Combat is reset when leaving the wilderness cave, so you can get immediately attacked.
– Fixed object replacement for tree objects and thieving.
– Fixed sanguine nex collection log.
– Added checks to the tome of fire and scythe scrolls, you can no longer open them after you already claimed them.
– Fixed enraged buckler effects
– BOB will now drop items to the ground when bank is full.
– Fixed a bunch of errors that were found in the code.
– Fixed dagannoth kings KC counting twice.
– Fixed godwars dungeon aggro

– Increased bank size from 1200 to 2000 slots.
– You can now sell your junk to the general store for OSRS GE values.
– You can now sell back skilling outfits for stardust (75% sellback)
– Augmented weapons special attacks are now 100% accurate and deal 10% more damage.
– Members can now set their home teleport location with ::sethometele.
– You no longer need a frozen key to kill Nex.
– All slayer helms except syrax now only work on task, trial task counts too.
– Divine heart now has a 12 second cooldown instead of 1 minute.
– Ring of wealth now has the ability to auto-loot currency.
– Removed vote points from all content, you can now only get vote points for ::vote.
– Every weekend (friday to sunday) votes automatically double.
– Replaced the double votes at the WOGW for a double drops scroll boost.
– Buffed the following items:
– Cursed shield
– Defilied amulet
– Ghommals defender
– Cerborn boots
– Trilogy boots
– Added ::removeyt to remove your yell tag.
– Added a dynamic scroll bar for achievements.
– Considering the WOGW is always on, we changed the prices and descriptions.
– Added new collection logs
– Pet fuse box
– Wandering merchant
– Twisted serpent
– You no longer need a special rank to kill monsters in each donator zone.

Posted December 22, 2023
Posted by: Patrick

I. Xmas Quest
II. Winter Event
III. Introduction of new items
IV. Patches & QoLs

I. Xmas Quest

Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas!
we all been there: Everyone tells you “christmas is a wonderful time filled with happiness, love and friendship.”
RAAAH!!! Most of us actually hate christmas because of: Spending money, seeing family members you despise and acting happy!

GOOD NEWS though! You have nothing to worry about! Elidinis is here to keep you statisfied during this stressful time, with a brand new Christmas & winter event content!

To start, you must talk to Frost Jack, located south-east of edgeville bank. He will hand over a Christmas Book.

Click on the book and it will instruct you to find ELF HERMIT at the Relekka hunter area.
Hermit will instruct you to retrieve all the presents that were stolen by KRAMPUS, also known as the anti-Santa helper.

To get to Elf Hermit, go to rock crabs, run south and jump by clicking on the broken fence.
Run north-east of the rock crabs through this path:

The anti-Santa has hidden some of the “presents” under the four graves at the mausoleum.
Hermit will hand over a spade. You need this to dig up the hidden presents at the mausoleum.
to get there: Either run from canifis, or run from slayer tower.
Click the portal to get teleported to the other side.

Right click “dig/search” all the graves to spawn the zombies, kill them to loot the 4 presents.

Once you’ve looted all the four presents, you have to go back to relekka event area and speak to elf hermit.
Turn the presents in, ermit will give you another item.

Go back to the mausoleum to find anti-santa: Right click the grave and “search”.
Anti-santa will appear, use the heart crystal on anti-santa.

He will summon krampus, you must kill this npc to get the last present!

Return the last present to Elf Hermit then teleport to home and talk to Frost jack to complete the quest.

You now have access to the winter event and the winter shard store!

II. Winter Event

You must finish the Christmas Quest to get started with the winter event system.

1. Winter NPCS:
Grab a frost scimitar (t1) from the strore to kill the npcs. (if you lost your t1 weapon from the quest reward.)

You can kill up to 150 npcs in the winter zone every 24 hours.
To access this area, go to south of edgeville bank wall (next to restore pool)

World wide there will be npcs spawned (roaming), but unlike the H’ween event they will be scattered and not clumped up.
There is a 1/100 chance to spawn a superior winter monster with a better droptable. (Ice DEMONS ONLY)


You can spend the winter shards to upgrade your frost scimitar, up to (t3).
You can also buy a frost shield and ugrade it to become a frost shield (b).

2. Snowflake boss:

The snowflake boss spawns every 2 hours and has the following mechanics.

• Snowflake attacks with magic and ranged.
• Every 10 attacks he does a AoE attack, getting caught will deal 1, 50 damage. And you’ll be frozen for 5 seconds.
• When Snowflake hits 50% of it’s health he will throw snowballs and where the snowballs land will be snow.
• You have to make snowballs from the snowglobe spawning inside the area, then continue killing the boss with snowballs for the remainder of its health.
Other weapons will always be blocked.


3. Winter bottle:

Winter bottles are obtainable from:

[-] Boss drops (1/100)

[-] Raids (1/10)

[-] Slayer (1/25)

Task system works the same as the bottles already ingame. Completing a winter task will grant you 10.000 winter shards.

4. Shards exchange:
You can spend your winter shards on the winter chest at the event area, east of edgeville bank.
It costs 10k shards for each roll, when you unlocked all rewards you can reset the chest and go again.


You can also purchase a winter ticket on the website for 50$ and get better rewards.
Reward ticket only lasts for one chest, when you finish you have to buy a new ticket. NOTE: REWARDS ARE RANDOMISED!Image

Final reward will be a winter chest containing:
• Winter tbow
• Winter scythe
• Winter tumekens

III. New Items

We are also happy to introduce our new items:

• Enraged Buckler
• Ghommals Defender
• Infernal Archer (b)
• Infernal mage cape (b)
• Infernal melee cape (b)
• Skulls Staff
• Skulls Crossbow

The first 5 items are obtainable from the transmute altar.
The last 2 mentioned items in the list are obtainable from winter bottles.


IV: Patches & QoLs

• Disabled turmoil and soulsplit in tournaments.
• Fixed quick prayers.
• Fixed Galvek Tsunami attack.
• Fixed CoS hydra barrier safespot.
• Fixed the transmute system not showing all the possible transmutes.
• Made the Basilisk from CoS stronger, he was too weak.
• Fixed corp magic split attk.
• Removed the inventory options from all bonecrushers.
• Fixed the item requirements for Virtus armour.
• Filled in the goblet of fire collection log items.
• Fixed superheat magic spell checks being inverted.
• Fixed certain sigils still working in the wilderness.
• Fixed fletching logic, you can no longer use bows on logs.
• Fixed an instance issue where npcs wouldn’t be added to instances.
• Fixed receiving hotspot points when not dealing any damage.

• Added exotic loot scrolls to the raids rare reward table.
• Added all item rewards to CoX and ToB.
• Added Otto godblessed at home to convert spears and hastas.
• Added corporeal beast hotspot.
• Added two new BIS offensive shields (mid tier section).
• Added defence bonus to Turmoil.
• Updated Nex and Sanguine nex drop tables.
• Added three new mid game capes.
• Xerics champion now also acts as an Ava.

Posted December 15, 2023
Posted by: Patrick


I. Goblet of Fire
II. New Prayers
III. Galvek Pet
IV. Patches & QoL


I. Goblet of Fire

Prepare yourselves for an epic challenge as we unveil a brand-new raid! Embark on a perilous journey, face formidable foes, and discover untold treasures.
Sharpen your skills, assemble your party, and get ready for an unforgettable adventure in the world of Elidinis!

The new Goblet of Fire raid spawns 4 demi-bosses randomly in the maze.
You can kill them in a random order. However, you must kill them before killing Lord Voldemort.

NOTE: A dragon hunterlance, crossbow or hell’s lance is required in order to deal 100% damage on the GOF-Dragon!

When Voldemort is killed you have to go back to the beginning of the raid and loot the Gravestone.

New Raids items:

1) Enhanced Attachments
This item can be used and make the followings stronger:
– Gryffindor’s sword
– Salazar Slytherin’s locket
– Tom Riddle’s Diary

Gryffindor’s sword (B):

[-] + 30 melee damage
[-] 15% Accuracy

Salazar Slytherin’s locket (B):

[-] +10 Magic damage
[-] 15% accuracy
[-] 20% chance to heal 10% of the damage

Tom Riddle’s Diary (B):

[-] +10 Magic damage
[-] 15% accuracy
[-] Inherits Tome of Fire effect

2) Portkey

This item allows you to set a teleport destination.

3) Fusion Stone

This stone is used to transmute all the BIS helms into one, Cursed Slayer Helmet. This is what you need for the transmute:
– Syrax
– Ominous
– Feyr
– Sorcerer
– Fusion stone

Cursed Slayer Helmet

Combined effects of all the above mentioned BIS helms.


II. New Prayers

we are proud to finally introduce our new prayers as they were heavily upvoted by the community.
– Turmoil
– Soulsplit

Turmoil (lvl 95):
Increases attack by 25% and strenght by 27%.

Soulsplit (lvl 92):
PVP: 25% damage dealt is removed from the opponents prayer and added to your hitpoints.
PVM: 10% damage dealt is added to your hitpoints.

III. Galvek Pet

Galvek now drops the mini variant of himself!

The galvek pet has the following bonuses:
– 20% chance to shoot a ranged or magic attack dealing up to 10% of the initial npc’s HP.
– 45% chance to double ANY ingredient drop.

IV. Patches & QoL

Bug fixes:

– Fixed hunleff still removing HCIM status when dying to the hunleff with magic prayer.
– Fixed dismantling a empty blowpipe.
– Fixed order of Zulrah drops, which broke the drop table.
– Fixed the amount of drop rolls Zulrah gives, it’s now 2 instead of 3.
– Superiors can no longer spawn in an instance.
– Fixed psychotic crab no longer spawning.
– Fixed Rusty NPC not triggering clue scrolls.
– Fixed Sherlock taking money when exchanging elite clue scrolls without having a clue scroll.
– You can no longer store sigils in your group storage for GIM.
– Fixed slayer reward interface, you could re-buy extendable unlocks.
– Fixed burning magic logs with bonfires not counting towards the task scroll.
– Sigil of nature should now halve the farming timer.
– Fixed sigil of faith.

– You can now use pages on a tome of fire, and it will add all the pages.
– Every friday, saturday and sunday the following bonuses are live automatically.
– double exp
– double slayer points
– double bm from PvP
– You can now carry more then one clue scroll of the same type.
– Clue scrolls are now stackable.
– Changed cntrl + t tp cntrl + f (favorite teleports)
– And cntrl + t now teleports you to your last teleport.
– Added the Galvek pet.
– Added from steel to runite bar drops to raids rewards.
– Heavily increased the respawn rates of the following rocks:
– Mithril
– Adamant
– Runite
– Amethyst
– Buffed the Larran’s keys, it should now be worth opening.
– Added the abyssal sire collection log.
– Added two new daily tasks;
– Participate in a tournament and win a tournament.
– You can only join with 1 account on the same PC in any tournament.
– Added a new slayer perk Boss executioner.
– Made silas crump aggressive.
– Raised the prices of clue scroll unlocks from Sherlock.
– Added ::wcave for the wilderness slayer cave teleport.
– Buffed the Crystalline hunleff drop table.
– There is now a 1/100 chance to get a upgraded crystal weapon or armor piece.
– And a 1/8 chance to hit the uncommon table which holds all transmute materials.
– Bosses now require 1 kill for 1 hotspot point.
– Buffed all raids base rewards.
– You now get 250 coins per point you finished the raid with.
– The coins and platinum token drop has been buffed from 50m-100m to 200m-300m.
– Added point mystery boxes and chests
– Added double drop scrolls you can get between 5 and 10.
– Buffed the starter and referral box cash reward.
– Buffed the beginner casket rewards.
– Buffed daily login wizard cash rewards.
– Buffed daily tasks cash and point boxes rewards.
– You now get 10M every slayer task you complete.
– Buffed the trial task GP rewards.
– Heavily buffed the trial task GP boosts for member ranks.
– You now get 30M for claiming your vote.
– Added GP rewards to collection logs and achievements.
– Buffed coin drops from Revenants.
– Buffed the blood reaper I slayer perk.
– Buffed coin casket coin amounts.
– Changed the HP of the Crystalline Hunleff from 10.000 to 5.000.